Free Webinar on Improving Internal Audit Effectiveness

Free Webinar on Improving Internal Audit Effectiveness
Eoin Philip Kelly
November 14th, 2023 - Eoin Philip Kelly

Join us on Tuesday, November 28th for a free Webinar on Improving Internal Audit Effectiveness with John Collins from 3-4pm BST.

John has 25+ years experience working in Quality Management Systems including 15 years as an Auditor & Instructor, most notably within the Medical Device Industry. On a weekly basis, he is either auditing or helping people learn how to Audit effectively on our IRCA Certified Internal/Lead Auditor Training (based on ISO 9001 or ISO 13485).

This Webinar will discuss key topics including:

👉 Internal Auditing Requirements
👉 Planning for Internal Audits (Program & Plan)
👉 Communication
👉 Auditor Competency
👉 Auditor Behaviour
👉 Q&A

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