ISO 13485 Lead Auditor Training
When we last left off at Spreadsheet Validation (part 1), we had covered the various standard and regulatory requirements that apply to spreadsheet validation and the types of spreadsheets that require validation.
Now, as promised, part 2.
Starting with determining criticality classification, we will also examine the relationship that exists between criticality classification and likelihood or occurrence of failure (Complexity Classification) and how this contributes to the risk assessment of the spreadsheet under validation to determine the level of validation required.
Finally, the approach to spreadsheet validation will round out the topic and hopefully illuminate the process for you, the reader!
Criticality Classification starts with understanding the risk management process associated with the spreadsheet validation. We do, after all, work in an industry where “proportionate to risk” is ingrained in our very fiber.
So much so, that ISO 13485 specifically mentions ISO 14971 in Section 3 – Terms and Definitions and again at Clause 7.1 where an organization is required to have one or more processes for risk management established, implemented and maintained as part of their Quality Management System (QMS).
The risk process should look loosely familiar to you all: Identification, Evaluation, Classification.
Once these three steps have been completed, its time to Mitigate.
Identification involves determining and documenting the hazards associated with the use of the spreadsheet, Evaluation is determining the severity of the identified hazard, Classification means categorizing the risk according to severity and finally Mitigation represents performing activities that reduce the severity or the likelihood of the risk.
Criticality Classification is broken into three level – Low, Medium and High. Sounds easy, right.
But sounding easy is not exactly useful unless you understand what is involved in each of the levels.
High Criticality represents direct impact to patient safety, product quality, or the integrity of the associated data.
Medium Criticality corresponds to an indirect impact to patient safety, product quality, or the integrity of the associated data, and to absolutely nobody’s surprise.
Low Criticality signifies no impact to patient safety, product quality, or the integrity of the associated data. Let’s break down this understanding further.
High Criticality includes:
Medium Criticality includes:
Low Criticality includes:
Similar to Criticality Classification, Occurrence is also categorized into three categories: High Occurrence, Medium Occurrence and Low Occurrence, which represent various inputs to the spreadsheet that signify various levels of complexity classification.
For example, high occurrences are spreadsheets that include:
An example of Medium occurrences are advanced statistical functions, and Low occurrences are standard functions and basic statistical calculations such as addition, average and standard deviation.
But how does all of this translate into a Spreadsheet Risk Assessment?
Let’s take for example a spreadsheet that tracks a training attendance record. In this case the criticality is Medium, and the Occurrence is low as there is indirect impact on quality and/or safety and the spreadsheet will contain basic functionality.
What is an example of a high-risk spreadsheet?
Well, consider a spreadsheet that uses statistical analysis of clinical study data that includes complex macros.
This would warrant a combination of High Criticality and High occurrence as there is direct impact on patient safety and the spreadsheet contains a custom macro.
Can you have a High/Low combination?
Indeed, you can. An organization may use a spreadsheet to perform simple arithmetic calculation for a linearity panel. In this case the criticality is High, but the occurrence is low.
The rationale?
There is direct impact to product quality, however, the spreadsheet has only basic spreadsheet functionality.
It’s important to note that all scenarios will require a risk assessment.
So, we have looked at the risk assessment activities, what next?
Well, the next part is just as exciting as the last, let me assure you!
Against the backdrop of a full software validation, for example, a document management system, CAPA system or ERP system, it should be recognized that a spreadsheet validation is a significantly smaller scope, with a shorter timeline and is usually less complex.
When one considers what is actually involved: a single technology, with a single function, in a well understood technology with little or no programming involved, it should become clearer that spreadsheet validation is not the unsightly beast that exists in the shadows of the QMS, playing the villain of the piece!
Not unlike other validation activities, the spreadsheet validation will include the following:
And don’t forget that all important Validation Report.
But riddle me this, what do you mean by User and Functional Requirements?
Here we go in 3,2,1 – let the fun begin………and louder for those in the back!
“Make this make sense”, I hear you exclaim and your wish or in this case exclamation is my command.
What does this actually look like?
Consider a spreadsheet that has been used for clinical data purposes where patients’ glucose levels are tracked.
User Requirement 1:
The spreadsheet shall be secure from modification
Functional Requirements:
1.1 All cells except for Patient ID, sample date, individual patient results shall be secure from modification by user.
1.2 The cells listed in requirement 1.1 shall be yellow
1.3 No other cell in the spreadsheet shall be yellow
1.4 There shall be a password used to lock the spreadsheet from modification by the user.
User Requirement 2:
The spreadsheet will record the Patient ID number
Functional Requirements:
2.1 The Patient ID will be recorded as a 4-digit number
User Requirement 3:
The spreadsheet shall record the date of analysis
Functional requirement:
3.1 Date of analysis will be recorded as DD/MMM/YYYY
User Requirement 4:
The spreadsheet shall calculate the average glucose (mg/ml) from 3 sample results
Functional Requirement:
4.1 The spreadsheet will require entry of all 3 samples of glucose results
4.2 The spreadsheet shall display an error if any result is less than 1mg/ml
4.3 The spreadsheet shall display an error if any result is more than 10mg/ml
User Requirement 5:
The spreadsheet shall record the laboratory analyst.
Functional Requirement:
5.1 Lab analysts will be selected from a drop-down menu.
Hopefully, these few examples have shed some light on what user requirements and functional requirements will look like when performing a spreadsheet validation.
Phew, we are nearly there, stick with me! The design of the spreadsheet needs to be documented as part of the validation plan.
Some examples of spreadsheet design incudes:
What series of steps happens next?
Lock in and I will make this quick and painless.
And there you have it folks. That concludes all the information I had locked away related to spreadsheet validation.
I hope you had as much fun reading this as I had in putting it together.
Now, go forth and validate those spreadsheets to ensure you meet all your regulatory obligations and conformity to those software validation requirements of ISO 13485.
Michelle Keane
QA/RA Director
Michelle has a proven track record with over 20 years’ experience working across both the Medical Device and Biotechnology sectors.
Currently, she is a Lead Auditor for an INAB Accredited Certification Body, and an MDR Assessor for a Notified Body in Europe. In addition, she is the Team PRRC Representative for Ireland.