Terms of Service Update Profile page

Eoin Philip Kelly
July 06th, 2023 - Eoin Philip Kelly

Learner Obligations

Comply Guru will be providing each Learner with access to its Intellectual Property (training content, material or courses).  Every Learner promises, acknowledges and agrees that:

  1. Access is provided to the named Learner only & any privileges may not be transferred to any other named person or third-parties;
  2. They will comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to use of the training content, material and courses we provide;
  3. They will not rent, lease, sublicense, re-sell, distribute, transfer, copy or modify the training material or training courses or any component thereof;
  4. They will not translate, decompile, or create or attempt to create, by reverse engineering or otherwise, the training content or material made available hereunder;
  5. They will not reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store or transmit the training content or material or courses or any portion thereof;
  6. They will not delete or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices from copies of materials from the Website/Learning Management System or contained in the training material or training courses;
  7. They are solely responsible for acquiring, installing, operating and maintaining the hardware and software environment, network connections, and telecommunication links, necessary to access and use the training services;
  8. They will not use the training content, material or courses in any manner, or in connection with any content, data, hardware, software or other materials that infringes upon or violates any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, or other intellectual property right of any third party, or that constitutes a defamation, libel, invasion of privacy, or violation of any right of publicity or other third party right, or that is threatening, harassing or malicious.

Intellectual Property & Copyright Protection

The training content, material and courses provided to each Learner are owned by Comply Guru, its licensors or other providers of such material, and are protected by Ireland and international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws.

No right, title or interest in or to the training content, material or courses or any portion thereof, is transferred to any Customer or Learner, and all rights not expressly granted herein, are reserved by Comply Guru.

The Comply Guru name, its logo, and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans, are trademarks of Comply Guru or its affiliates or licensors. Any Customer or Learner may not use such marks without the prior written permission of Comply Guru. All other names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans on this Website or Learning Management System are the trademarks of their respective owners.

Bookings – Blended or Virtual Training Courses [Open/Public]

In booking on a Comply Guru Blended or Virtual Training Course, you confirm that you are accepting Comply Guru’s offer to attend one of our events and in doing so confirm you fully accept 100% of Comply Guru’s Terms & Conditions. As a result, your place is treated as confirmed on our training event.

A welcome email will be sent out with important details regarding the course event including venue and other important information.

Each Learner is only provided access to the online training modules once full payment has been received. In the case of blended courses, online course access is granted a maximum of 4 weeks in advance of the classroom portion of the training, provided the above condition has been met regarding full payment.

All online modules must be successfully completed by the required deadline in advance of the blended course scheduled start date.

Bookings – Self-Paced Training Courses

In booking on a Comply Guru Online Course, you confirm that you fully accept 100% of Comply Guru’s Terms & Conditions.

Each Learner is only provided access to the online training modules once full payment has been received. In the case of virtual or blended courses, separate policies may apply.

For an online course that is not part of a Blended course, course access is granted for a set period only from the date of purchase (typically 30 or 90 days depending on the course purchased).

Public Virtual or Blended Training Fees & Discounts

All public course fees are payable in full at the time of booking.

If availing of a discount that is offered for advance purchase, that discount is offered on the basis of full online payment being made at the time of booking and for confirmation you fully accept our terms and conditions.

If you elect to pay by invoice, the advance discount may not be available (as exclusive to online payments), however we do offer discounts for those wishing to pay by invoice, in line with certain booking periods in return for full acceptance of our terms and conditions including payment terms. Please contact a member of our team to discuss further on 1 (312) 706-7918 or email training@complyguru.com

In all cases, payment for public/open virtual or blended training courses is required in advance of the event. Comply Guru will not accept payment terms in excess of net 30 days maximum. Net 30 days is the maximum payment terms we will accept – provided that the 30 day term will see payment receipted at least 14 working days in advance of the training event start date. It is the responsibility of those either booking or coordinating the booking of a Learner (s) on one of our courses to ensure this is communicated and reflected in either the Purchase Order (PO) or payment terms applied to the booking.

Onsite, In-House or Tailored Training Fees

It is Comply Guru policy to issue a proposal or quotation for onsite, in-house and/or tailored course requests. Where a proposal for an onsite, in-house or tailored course has been accepted in writing by a client, a contract must be signed by an authorised signatory (s) and returned to Comply Guru accompanied by 50% of the fee. The remaining balance plus any expenses (if applicable) are billed separately and are due within 30 working days from invoice date.

Cancellation Policy – Self-Paced Training Courses

Any activated licenses for our self-paced courses are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Any inactive (unused) licenses can be refunded or transferred within 30-days of the purchase date.

Cancellation & Postponement Policy – Virtual or Blended Training Courses [Open/Public]

For cancellation the following charges apply:

– Individual Learners canceling with 30 days or more notice will receive a full refund provided they have not used any of online license (s) provided*.

– Cancellations within 30 days will forfeit the full training fee unless alternative arrangements are agreed by both the Learner and Comply Guru (case by case basis)

– Individual learner’s that fail to show for a course are not eligible for refunds, transfers or substitutions.

Postponement or Cancellation by Comply Guru

The public training schedule is subject to change without notice. In the event of postponement or cancellation by Comply Guru, we will contact you to either offer you a place on an alternative course date (s) or a refund*

All refunds will be issued by Wire Transfer or returned to the same card used for payment (for credit cards) within 10 working days.

*Important Notice on Refunds: If a license has been activated for any of the self-paced courses that form part of the training (including the Foundation training that is included on certain courses), only a partial refund is available. If no license has been activated, then a full refund will be available where applicable (in line with our terms and conditions).

Cancellation & Postponement Policy – Virtual or Blended Training Courses [Onsite/In-House]

Once dates for the training have been agreed between Comply Guru and a client, the dates become firm and are not changeable unless by mutual consent. Requests to change the delivery dates for an onsite, in-house and/or tailored course delivery within the 30 day period (from the Start Date) will be reviewed on a case by case basis, having given due consideration to Instructor schedules, the notice period given etc. Where Comply Guru incurs costs or losses as a result of a change in delivery dates requested by a client or in the event of cancellation within the 30 day period, there will be cancellation and/or change fees due to Comply Guru.

Cancellations or date change requests in advance of 30 days incur no penalty. Cancellations or date change requests within 21-30 days would incur a 50% penalty, and cancellations or date change requests within 21 days would incur a 100% penalty of fees due, unless otherwise agreed between the parties in writing.

Method of Payment

The preferred method of payment for public training is debit/credit card for online bookings.

We using 128-bit encrypted connection to protect any payments made on our website with SSL.

For onsite, in-house or tailored training, payments by PO/wire transfer may be subject to bank charges. When using the wire transfer payment method, please ensure the fee submitted is net of charges. The maximum payment terms Comply Guru accept are net 30 days from invoice date.

Late Payment

Comply Guru reserves the right to charge a late payment fee in the event training fees are not paid in line with Comply Guru terms of service, unless otherwise agree by both parties. If Comply Guru’s terms of service are not met, Comply Guru is entitled to cancel any discount offered and requested full fee payment for the course, plus late payment fees and/or any costs associated with chasing late payments. This may include debt collection or legal fees plus interest being charged on late payments.

Prior Learning Requirements

Where the Learner attends a CQI & IRCA (or Exemplar Global) certified training course and the learner is found to not meet the stated prior learning criteria, we reserve the right to refuse entry to the program and/or we may not be unable to issue a training certificate (for certain programs, a Certificate of Attendance is available).

Learner Substitutions

A substitute Learner may be assigned for a self-paced training course provided that the license has not been activated & that this occurs within 30-days of the purchase date.

A substitute Learner may attend a virtual or blended training course in place of an original Learner provided the original Learner has not already used (activated) the online license element; they meet the prior learning requirements; and there is sufficient time available for the substitute Learner to complete the online modules by the required date (in advance of the scheduled course start).

Where an additional online license is required for the Substitute, additional fees will apply (i.e. 50% of the course fee).

Comply Guru reserves the right not to allow a substitute Learner on a class where prior knowledge is required and where the substitute Learner has not satisfactorily met the prior knowledge requirements in full.

Learner Transfers [Virtual or Blended Training]

A Learner may transfer to another class at no additional cost provided a minimum of 30 days notice has been provided to Comply Guru in writing. All transfer requests less than 30 days will be considered on a case by case basis. However where the transfer request affects the viability of a class, Comply Guru reserves the right to deny the request and the Learner will forfeit the training fee (when less than 30 days notice is provided). This policy does not affect the organization and/or Learner’s right to nominate a substitute person subject to the conditions set out for Substitutes being met in full.

Course Status Confirmation Period

Comply Guru will confirm a virtual or blended course with a minimum notice of 21 days in advance of the classroom start date for that course.

Comply Guru accept no liability for any fees/costs associated with postponing, cancelling or making changes to our schedule. Learners are recommended to only consider purchasing any flights, hotels or other arrangements once the course status has been confirmed. Comply Guru will confirm a course status as soon as we are in a position to do so however in providing open/public training, the status of courses may change subject circumstances such as insufficient registrations or cancellations received or extraordinary reasons. We will make every effort to promptly advise all affected by the change (those booked on the course) as soon as any changes may be made.

Examination Resits

A person is entitled to resit an examination only once and this must be within 6 months from the original course finish date. Any person who is unsuccessful in the initial written examination can request examination feedback and support from Comply Guru.

There is no fee associated with examination resits where the Learner attends the examination resit at a scheduled Comply Guru training event. In all cases, advance arrangements need to be in place before any examination resit is confirmed & accepted by Comply Guru.

Additional fees will apply where examination resits incur additional admin & costs for Comply Guru. This will be discussed on a case-by-case basis with each Learner and/or Client.

CQI & IRCA Approved Training Provider

CQI & IRCA Approved Training Provider

Offering certified courses since 2019

Exemplar Global Recognized Training Provider

Exemplar Global Recognized Training Provider

Offering certified courses since 2020