Comply Guru Blog

iso 9001

Free Webinar on Improving Internal Audit Effectiveness
Eoin Philip Kelly
November 14th, 2023 - Eoin Philip Kelly

Free Webinar on Improving Internal Audit Effectiveness

Join us on Tuesday, November 28th for a free Webinar on Improving Internal Audit Effectiveness with John Collins from 9-10am CST.

Internal Auditor or Lead Auditor Training?
Eoin Philip Kelly
June 02nd, 2023 - Eoin Philip Kelly

Internal Auditor or Lead Auditor Training?

One of the most common questions I am asked relates to whether internal auditor or lead auditor training is the right choice. The answer is it depends on several factors. Let’s discuss.

Benefits of Blended Learning
Eoin Philip Kelly
May 24th, 2023 - Eoin Philip Kelly

Benefits of Blended Learning

Let’s talk about Blended Learning. In 2019, Comply Guru set out to create a new approach to conventional Auditor Training, launching it’s first CQI & IRCA Accredited Blended ISO 9001 Internal Auditor Training Course (No. 2149) in March of the same year.

Globally Recognized Qualifications
Training credentials that you can trust.
CQI & IRCA Approved Training Provider
Exemplar Global Recognized Training Provider
RAPS Recertification Approved Provider